2022 Digital Channels, AI, & Beyond: Where Are We Heading?

Most marketing leaders agree that the future is bright for AI and other digital marketing channels that improve through machine learning

Even as the growth of digital tools and AI continue to skyrocket, their significance and potential continue to be misunderstood. However, understanding the value of digital marketing and AI is absolutely essential, and it should come as no surprise that the rest of the world agrees – after all, 84% of global organisations believe that AI will give them an edge above their competitors.

The development of AI coupled with the advancement of digital channels will have a lasting impact on marketing as we know it. However, before we know where we are headed, it is most important to understand the changes that are occurring now. This, of course, starts with the fears associated with the growth of AI, machine learning, and other digital marketing tools.

Why The Hesitation?

Many fear a host of negative results with the further development of digital marketing channels. AI, machine learning, and digital marketing, which are sometimes regarded as too intrusive, all have the capability of concerning consumers. A few of the most common apprehensions include:

-The fear that machines and technology will one day replace human professionals because they provide cheaper, quicker, and more accurate results.

-That digital marketing tools, including AI and machine learning, will learn too much about individuals and violate their privacy.

-A loss of control is associated with automation and overreliance on machines and technology.

I can’t see a more critical factor to consider when determining the present and future state of these marketing strategies. Machine learning, AI, and other digital marketing channels will evolve with these concerns in mind; otherwise, they will fail to advance.

The Current State of Intelligent Digital Marketing

Acknowledging and appreciating the current state of intelligent digital marketing is key in determining how this technological resource will continue to evolve in the marketing industry. Many of these strategies are already so widely accepted that we fail to recognise they are considered artificial intelligence.

Big data has already immensely contributed to the end-user services and advertisement delivery abilities provided by top corporations all over the world. Two quintillion bytes of data, created each and every day, provide AI and machine learning systems with countless data to provide personalised marketing experiences on the consumer end. This is already apparent in:


-Voice-activated customer service – think, Alexa, Google Home, and other virtual assistants

-Personalised advertisement delivery on digital and mobile channels, including streaming services

-Augmented reality provided by home goods retailers and beauty companies

Voice-activation has long been slated as the next AI capability that becomes as much of a familiar feature as smartphones, facial recognition, and household appliances. Right now, we are in the infancy stage of intelligent digital marketing strategies and applications. We know that we can collect data to be used in

predictive analysis, optimised decision-making, and personalised customer service. However, its full potential is yet to be recognised in various marketing roles.

Where Are We Headed?

Most marketing leaders, including myself, agree that the future is bright for AI and other digital marketing channels that improve through machine learning. We know that, despite the understandable fears experienced by consumers, these marketing capabilities will help provide a more personalised and effective marketing journey.

Ultimately, tomorrow’s digital marketing tools will help bridge the gap of understanding between marketers and consumers. Today’s customers need to feel understood entirely by the products and services with which they interact. Providing this level of personalisation is impossible without the help of AI, data collection, and machine learning.

Intelligent digital marketing applications will continue to reshape all aspects of digital marketing. While this transformation has already begun, the truth is that there is still so much more room to grow. Predictive analysis and consumer-centric functions will continue to dominate this digital marketing evolution.

Projected Marketing Trends

Although it may seem like an oxymoron, AI, machine learning, and other intelligent digital marketing enhancements will assist marketers like you and me to humanise our marketing functions, applications, and strategies.

Enhanced Predictive Capabilities

The partnership between big data and AI will provide marketers with the resources they require to dig deeper into the needs of their customers. These tools will offer a crystal ball’s glance into upcoming trends and better equip marketers with the information they need to apply them to their offerings and communication with their customers and prospects.

With more finely tuned accuracy and a more profound understanding of customers’ needs, we will use AI as our most effective resource. Improved organisation and understanding of data points will significantly increase our capabilities related to predictive marketing strategies.

Hyper-Personalised Strategies

Consumers are intelligent and only continue to develop a more profound understanding of how companies’ market to them. Hyper-personalisation is the very near future of marketing, especially in the digital space. Data, AI, and machine learning allow us to leverage real-time data as a way to deliver the most relevant content, products, and services.

I am rarely met with a marketer who refuses to acknowledge the need for absolute personalisation when interacting with their consumers. The effective application of AI-powered personalisation strategies will considerably reshape the outlook of personalised marketing approaches.

Increased Demand For AR and VR

Even though AR and VR are still considered innovative technologies rather than mainstream tactics. These applications remain new and untapped of their greatest potential. However, both AR and VR will reign in the arena of digital marketing as they both have the ability to become the next big technological platforms. We will have the ability to facilitate experiential marketing like never before. Engaging audiences and consumers will be easier and more effective.

Improved Email AI Email Integration

It is no secret that email has become one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. AI will help to reshape email and SMS messaging from a marketing perspective by personalising promo codes, discounts, and other essential marketing materials. Enhanced conversions, customer retention, and improved open rates will result from personalised deliverables created with intelligent digital marketing.

The Key Takeaway

Intelligent digital marketing channels, including AI and machine learning, are in the toddler stage of their development. Sure, we understand their value and are starting to recognise their place within the marketing space. However, we have yet to truly recognise all of the incredible things this technology can do. The most important concept to keep in mind is that there is no ceiling for growth to be recognised with these marketing tools. Strikes a chord?

*The author is Sayantan Dasgupta, Director, Gramener

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